Sunday, April 3, 2011

Catch as catch can

Thanks for coming back. Hope you like these catch as catch can wrestlers and worn down American flag in the background. Catch as catch can wrestling is one of the sports that have had impact on modern MMA. It all started from working class guys challenging each other for the bet fights where "the winner takes it all" and quickly spread from UK and Europe to America. Those fighters amassed their skills from all the different sources and schools, mixed everything, added their own tricks and popularity of these shows quickly grew. Add travelling carnivals which actually played a big role in preserving these old fighting secrets, since when the fight shows picked up speed and became more popular, coruption didn't take long to creep in, fighters started to loose their skill. However in carnivals guys were fighting members of public and had to be prepared for anything, so there was practically no room for fixing fights.
Well, I'm not gonna go into details since wikipedia anyway has much more detailed info on the origins of catch wrestling. Just would like to emphasize that catch as catch can is only ONE of the styles that have affected modern MMA, so did kickboxing, thai boxing, judo, etc. And if to go back in time, the very first ever recorded mixed martial art is Acient Greece pankration.

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That much for now. Keep up a good work, and good night

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